Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Key information:


The information provided on this website is done so as a guideline to assist you in further understanding your surgical treatment and what to expect. Each patient’s treatment plan is tailored to their conditions so your rehabilitation may be quicker or slower than other peoples.

Please contact Dr Rodda for advice should you be concerned about any aspect of your health or recovery.

Osteoarthritis of the hip is a condition caused by the breakdown of the cartilage that surrounds and protects the ends of the bones in the hip joint. This degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis, and is a common condition in older people. In a patient with osteoarthritis, the worn or damaged cartilage of the joint can begin to cause pain, swelling, movement restrictions and stiffness of the hip. Factors such as congenital defects, overuse or injury to the joint, and obesity are also known to affect the severity of the condition.

Osteoarthritis can affect a variety of joints including the knees, hands, spine and less commonly the disease can affect shoulders, wrists and feet.

What are some indicators that you may have osteoarthritis?

There are some characteristic symptoms that you may experience. These include pain in the hip and thigh area during physical activities, morning stiffness and limited range of motion. As the arthritic condition progresses, night pain can become a significant issue.

You should consult with you doctor if you are suffering any of the characteristic symptoms. Diagnostic tests such as X-rays, scans, and also some blood tests may be ordered by your doctor to confirm the condition or to rule out any other conditions that cause similar symptoms.

Treatment Options

There are a range of treatments options and lifestyle modifications for easing the pain and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Anti-inflammatories and analgesics may be prescribed to help relieve pain. Topical medications can also be applied to the painful joint areas. In cases where the pain is severe, your doctor may recommend a corticosteroid injection given directly into the joint to help ease the pain.

Non-Surgical Options
A physiotherapist can prescribe patients suffering with osteoarthritis a series of exercises designed to improve your muscle strength and mobility of the joint.

Some patients find the use of hot or cold packs to the affected joints can provide temporary pain relief.
Making lifestyle modifications to avoid extra stress on the joints, and if recommended weight loss, can often aid in temporary pain relief.

Surgical Options
Patients with osteoarthritis who are experiencing severe pain that is affecting their ability to perform normal day to day activities may be candidates for hip replacement surgery.

Hip replacement surgery removes damaged or diseased parts of the hip joint and replaces them with new, artificial implants. Hip replacement surgery is a safe, reliable procedure that can relieve your pain and stiffness and return you to most of the activities that you enjoy.